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So, you’ve heard the call to sit with Ayahuasca and familiarized yourself with the medicine’s transformative healing abilities. By this point, you’ve most likely researched Ayahuasca’s history and its life-changing effects on others. From healing disease, reversing addictions, and clearing traumas, you’re confident the medicine is calling you for a deeper purpose. 

Now, it’s time to identify reputable Ayahuasca retreats to seal your commitment. This is an essential step to ensure your safety, set the tone for a genuine experience, and receive proper integration support. 

In this article, we’ll explore the top aspects to consider when booking your Ayahuasca retreat so you can focus on your intention, relax into your evolution, and receive the dedicated support your soul deserves.

What is an Ayahuasca retreat, anyway? 

Before we discuss the factors to consider before you secure your ceremonial retreat, let’s first discuss what an ayahuasca retreat is and what it is not.

An ayahuasca retreat isn’t to be confused with Woodstock bliss or frolicking around dropping tabs of LSD. As mainstream and popular culture can leave certain truths out of the conversation, it is vital to understand sitting with ayahuasca is an intense commitment that requires spiritual discipline and devotion to one’s inner growth.

In an ayahuasca ceremony, the brew is revered as the main force in healing with songs, prayer, and chants to support the process. Guided ceremonies led by shamans and certified facilitators help usher individuals through the experience. Retreats often also include elements like counseling, spiritual practices, and ample free time in nature. 

While there are many retreats and ceremonial offerings today, Ayahuasca wasn’t always so readily available. Up until recently, this medicine was solely reserved for Indigenous tribes. However, there is a reason this medicine has recently gained momentum within the collective psyche. 

Ayahuasca and Its Cultural Significance & Evolution Through the Years

As you may have read, Ayahuasca is a potent psychoactive brew made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria viridis plant, which are native to the Indigenous cultures in the Amazon basin. This unique mixture activates the DMT component to induce visionary effects. Tribes such as the Shipibo, Asháninka, and Yawanawá have worked with Ayahuasca in spiritual and healing practices for centuries. It is considered a sacred medicine that enhances mindfulness, connects them to the spiritual world, and facilitates deep inner reflection and personal growth.

In traditional ceremonies, the medicine is often administered by a shaman, or "curandero," who guides participants through a ritualistic journey to cleanse the mind and body, gain spiritual insight, and resolve personal or communal issues. The experience is typically accompanied by the chanting of icaros (sacred songs), which help guide the visionary journey. It may include other elements, such as tobacco or floral baths for grounding, cleansing, and enhancing prayers. These ceremonial practices are in tune with the understanding that Ayahuasca lifts the veil to the spirit world, allowing for direct communication with spiritual guides and the resolution of past traumas or diseases. These traditional ceremonies did not only serve as personal healing sessions but also as communal rites that reinforced social bonds and cultural heritage within the tribes. 

Over the past few decades, Ayahuasca has expanded from indigenous use to being made accessible to people worldwide. Some credit this expansion to the medicine’s spirit calling humanity to grow and evolve with the planet. Retreat centers in Peru, Brazil, and Costa Rica have emerged, serving Western participants with different backgrounds, stresses, goals, ailments, and dreams. However, this expansion has sparked discussions about misrepresentations in popular culture, ethical sourcing, and the commercialization of indigenous knowledge and traditions. As Ayahuasca's benefits continue to grow, medicine seekers hold the shared responsibility of selecting retreat centers that preserve this sacred practice for healing and spiritual connection. 

Why Selecting a Reputable Ayahuasca Retreat is Crucial 

Choosing a reputable medicine retreat can be one of the most exciting parts of your healing expedition. It sets the tone for where in the circle you’ll sit, who you’ll interact with, how you’ll integrate, what you’ll evolve through, and so much more. At the same time, selecting a reputable center is vital due to the significant risks associated with unregulated or poorly managed ceremonies. Mainly because this powerful brew can induce intense psychological and physical reactions, including hallucinations, vomiting, and emotional distress. This is all part of the healing and clearing process, and having the right support can make all the difference in how you take the experience into the next chapter of your life.

“The biggest gift I’ve ever given myself. I went in expecting that I might get some nice insights, see some great visuals, meet some nice people, and enjoy a week in Costa Rica. I never thought it would be the most transformative week of my life. Already booked to come back next year.” —Doug C

In a regulated environment, participants can safely move through the process with proper medical support, experienced facilitators, and community. However, without appropriate guidance and care, the risk of psychological harm or life-threatening situations increases, especially for those with pre-existing mental health conditions or specific medical histories. Your main priority is to feel safe and supported so you can fully surrender to the medicine and receive your healing. Ensuring knowledgeable and trained professionals run a retreat is essential for minimizing these risks and providing a safe environment for all involved.

Additionally, as participants, the responsibility of selecting a reputable center to support creates a ripple effect in simultaneously supporting indigenous tribes, ethical sourcing, and properly guided ceremonies.

How Reputable Ayahuasca Retreat Mitigate Potential Risks

Anything you do in life comes at a risk. Even getting in the car daily, we agree to potential risks when taking the wheel, and rightfully so. For the most part, driving a vehicle comes second nature, and most drivers have developed a flow with the road to lessen their chances of getting into an accident. The same precautions applies to potential risks surrounding this kind of retreat. The first thing any reputable ayahuasca center will first do is have an initial screening process to ensure safety before ceremony. 

Additional risk mitigation steps a retreat center should have include:

  • Qualified and experienced facilitators, including shamans or guides, who are knowledgeable about the medicine being served, how to prepare the brew properly, administer it to participants, and the spiritual practices that guide the ceremony. 
  • Pre-retreat preparation with guidelines to make the most out of the experience, including dietary restrictions (both material and immaterial) and mental preparations to minimize potential adverse reactions to the brew. This makes dieta a critical factor in reducing the amount of “junk” material in the psyche to allow the medicine to work as intended.
  • Integration support to help participants make sense of and ground psychedelic experiences through one-on-one sessions, group sharing, counseling, or access to practices such as breathwork, meditation, and others.
  • Medical planning in an emergency ensures participants have access to first aid, communications devices, and a strategy to get individuals to the nearest medical facility should a severe health issue or injury arise.
  • Clear guidelines should be communicated about what to expect before, during, and after the retreat. Participants should also receive a consent form that outlines potential risks.
  • Respect for Indigenous practices and ethics should be the priority, as this is the foundation of everything the retreat center will provide. The facility should honor the cultural and spiritual origins of the brew’s use, uphold integrity in practices, and respect traditions.

The list above includes some of the most important elements a reputable ayahuasca center will have in place. Remember, the medicine is the focus, and everything surrounding it should support Ayahuasca’s ability to clear, heal, and evolve the spirit. A standout retreat center will have these specific modalities in place to ensure the medicine can work effectively. 

Red Flags to Be Aware of When Finding a Reputable Retreat Center

While the plant medicine domain can seem elusive, mystic, and intangible, some elements are very palpable and should be accounted for. As important as it is to understand what components should be in place to mitigate risks, it is equally vital to be aware of the following red flags like:

  • Lack of qualified facilitators can be harmful to participants who require guidance during ceremony and to complete the visionary process. 
  • No medical or psychological screening on the premises can be very dangerous in an emergency. Access to proper care is a basic right everyone should have. 
  • Poor communication and transparency are red flags because participants should feel seen and heard in their expressions. Transparency throughout the booking, attendance, and post-retreat process is key to ensuring all expectations are made clear.
  • Pressure tactics to sign up should stop you right in your tracks. You should never feel pressured or coerced to sign up immediately or before you feel ready to. A reputable retreat center will ensure you feel informed and comfortable before moving forward. 
  • Lack of integration support at a retreat center is a red flag to be aware of. Since ayahuasca is highly visual and speaks to the subconscious mind, you’ll want to support grounding your experiences as you step back into reality.
  • Zero emergency protocols or medical support are lethal. Whether someone slips and falls on a bag or has a serious condition, all participants should know they can get medical support if an injury occurs.
  • Disregard for Indigenous traditions and ethics is another quality to be mindful of. Any retreat center that serves ayahuasca must show respect for the Indigenous traditions that made this medicine accessible to the Western world. Additionally, ethics must be observed in sourcing, preparing, and serving the medicine.
  • Inappropriate behavior from facilitators, such as sexual advances, coercion, or abuse of power, is a major red flag. Reputable retreats have clear boundaries and policies to ensure all participants are respected at all times.

These red flags can feel like common knowledge. However, amid the motions, they can easily be overlooked. It’s essential to research thoroughly, ask questions, and trust your inner compass when selecting where you’ll sit for ceremony. By vetting a retreat space, you give yourself the space to fully process and feel whether it is the most suitable retreat for you.

7 Key Factors to Identify a Reputable Ayahuasca Retreat 

When choosing your retreat, there are specific signs that will support your decision to book your stay. It is crucial to consider the several key factors below for a safe, authentic, and respectful experience. As you read these below, be sure also to consider your personal preferences, as this will help you navigate and find the best retreat for your needs. 

“This is the most MAGICAL place on earth. My experience was extraordinary. The medicine ceremonies were profoundly life changing and the intimate treatment you receive from the staff was so touching. I highly recommended this experience for anyone who feels called.”—Kristi G

Confirm Accreditation and Legalities

Legalities also play an essential role when selecting an Ayahuasca retreat.1 While it is legally allowed for religious or traditional use in some countries, it is banned or heavily restricted in many other places. In the United States, for example, Ayahuasca is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance which renders its use illegal—except for specific religious exemptions. However, Brazil legalized Ayahuasca for religious use in 1992, whlie in 2008, Peru followed suit.2 If you are considering sitting in a ceremony in the United States, confirm the organization is registered as a church with authorization to serve the medicine. 

Alternatively, in Costa Rica, retreat centers, such as ours at Rythmia, are safe to administer Ayahuasca since the medicine is unscheduled, meaning there are no laws restricting the use of Ayahuasca.3 Aside from avoiding any uncomfortable encounters with the law, supporting a legally accredited retreat center does more than make you a law-abiding citizen. It communicates to the greater picture that you support countries and organizations that honor the plant’s healing significance rather than try to suppress it.

Remember, you are working with Ayahuasca to heal and improve your life circumstances. Attending a retreat in a country where Ayahuasca is illegal could result in severe consequences, including fines, deportation, imprisonment, or post-ceremony traumatic aftershock. Understanding legalities before committing to a retreat can grant you a sense of ease and security as you surrender to this healing and medicinal brew. 

Experienced and Qualified Facilitators

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the legalities surrounding Ayahuasca ceremonies, you’ll want to ensure the facility you’ll sit at has a dedicated shaman and experienced staff of qualified facilitators.

While the shaman or ‘curandero’ is responsible for leading the ceremony, a group of qualified facilitators often supports the group. Remember, it’s not just about how many years of experience a shaman or facilitator has that makes them reputable. It is just as much about their experience as it is about their reverence for the medicine. Make sure the people who are guiding the ceremony have gone through comprehensive training, are skilled at managing groups, and can handle emergencies. 

What qualifies someone to be a shaman for ayahuasca?

While there isn’t a university where you can go to study to become a shaman, take seminars, and pass written exams, there are robust apprenticeships that serve as grounds for teaching, learning, and applying discipline to the craft.

Since being a shaman entails less of the tangible and more of the spiritual, those who study under a shaman learn through real-life practice during ceremony. An apprenticeship might entail learning to sing icaros, assisting individuals in ceremony, mastering their spirituality, and more.

Additionally, a shaman is responsible for administering dosages per individual and providing a suitable environment. This also includes ensuring participants are cleared to sit with the medicine and don’t have any other medications that may interfere with the brew.

Most specifically, the work of being a shaman is a profound commitment that comes with lessons every step of the way. The greatest requirement is humility and devotion to the medicine—no ego, no power grabs. In the same way individuals are called to sit with ayahuasca from the medicine itself, becoming a shaman is not up to the individual but to Ayahuasca. 

What qualifies someone to be a shaman or medicine facilitator?

While a shaman and a medicine facilitator may share similar responsibilities, their roles differ. Where a shaman must undergo a strict apprenticeship within a native lineage, guide ceremonies, and administer medicine, a facilitator has a different list of responsibilities that support the shaman’s work. However, there is still an emphasis on training and certification through applied practice. 

Some of the work a facilitator may do includes assisting participants, providing extra materials like tissues or towels, guiding participants to the restroom, clearing purge buckets, etc. A great facilitator is someone who has sat with the medicine a handful of times, shadowed a medicine man/woman, done their own integration and soul work, and proven to be a reliable figure in helping others do the same.

Safety Protocols and Medical Licensing

As you search for reputable Ayahuasca retreat centers, safety, along with medical needs like first aid and emergency protocols, are other important factors to consider. 

“I just had a journey, and it told me I was a surgeon in a previous life. So take your shirt off, hop on the operating table, throw me a scalpel, and let’s see how it goes,” Gerry, Rythmia’s founder, jokes as he shares this example because no one in their right mind would ever allow someone to operate like this.

Being the only medically licensed center in the world, approved by the Costa Rican Ministry of Health, Rythmia has three employees for every visitor. This ensures that you feel fully supported whether in ceremony, enjoying a fresh meal, participating in an integration workshop, or enjoying the amenities.

“Spiritual surgery is every bit as dangerous as physical surgery,” Gerry confirms, which is why safety at Rythmia is so essential at a physical and spiritual level. Safety protocols at an Ayahuasca retreat are the foundation of a safe and worry-free experience. 

By having access to a 24-hour medical staff on-site, registered nurses, EMTs, and world-class healers with extensive experience in the Indigenous Colombian lineage and the Rythmia Way Program, individuals who select Rythmia understand the importance of investing in their soul’s evolution, physical well-being, and mental liberation with proper care and medical availability.

Respectful and Ethical Practices

As Ayahuasca becomes more readily available, supporting facilities that hold respectful and ethical practices in sourcing, brewing, and administering the medicine can make or break your experience. The same way you can often taste the love poured into a meal prepared with care and attentiveness is the same when working with Ayahuasca. 

At Rythmia, we have worked with Taita Juanito, a highly respected and world-renowned Indigenous plant healer and expert. This has been profound in sharing wisdom with our guests and keeping the information pathway directly in tune with the natives. You’ll want to research whether the retreat honors and respects the medicine’s origins and the Indigenous wisdom that has allowed Ayahuasca to reach the Western world. By honoring Indigenous cultures and supporting their shared wisdom, guests also receive an authentic experience and allow the medicine’s expansion to thrive.

Location and Setting

Since location and setting play a significant role in establishing the tone for any journey, considering your preferred environment should not be overlooked. With ceremonial centers worldwide, some participants may opt for an urban retreat. Many times, people may feel called to sit in ceremony in a natural environment to deepen their connection with Ayahuasca.  

This is all based on your personal preference. While the jungle offers a raw, immersive experience closely tied to the traditional roots of Ayahuasca, urban retreats may provide a more structured environment that some participants find comforting. 

Our guests have chosen Rythmia’s ayahuasca retreat center in Costa Rica to experience both comfort and expansion in a luxurious and abundant setting in the heart of nature.

Booking Your Stay at a Reputable Ayahuasca Retreat

From understanding the cultural histories of Ayahuasca and the natives who have helped steward the medicine to the green flags the most reputable ayahuasca retreats should have in place, this preliminary work is one of the most important things you can do to prepare for ceremony.

When executed with proper research and discernment, this can also be one of the most rewarding parts of your overall experience. In doing so, you ensure a safe and supportive environment where you can fully surrender to the profound growth in store. You also create a space where you can meet new and lasting friends and make memories that you’ll carry for years to come. If you’re ready to answer Ayahuasca’s calling, consider booking your stay at Rythmia today. 

Works Cited:

  1. K;, L. B. (n.d.). Ayahuasca and the process of regulation in Brazil and internationally: Implications and challenges. The International journal on drug policy.
  2. Psychedelics, the law and Politics - UC Berkeley BCSP. UC Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics. (2024, July 2).
  3. Psychedelics, the law and Politics - UC Berkeley BCSP. UC Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics. (2024, July 2).


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